Walk on the bike lanes
Vienna is a bike friendly city. Over 7% of the Viennese go by bicycle to work… There is “heavy” traffic on the well-marked bike lanes. Avoid walking on them, it can be dangerous and you risk being addressed in an impolite manner in a high voice!
Get on public transportation without a valid ticket
In Vienna we trust each other in many ways. Controlling your ticket happens rarely, but if you do not have a valid ticket, they will not let you go unless you pay the fee of as of 100 EUR. Compared to the rates for public transportation in many other European capitals, Vienna’s rate is very moderate and it is not worth it cheating the system.
Cross the street at red light
Walking over the street at the red traffic light is a NO GO in Vienna. You will be looked at in an odd manner and if a policeman sees you then you risk paying a fine.
Order a beer at a Heuriger
A Heuriger is a typical wine tavern and many are situated in the wine district of Vienna, among the vineyards. You risk to be laughed at, if you order beer there. Instead try the Viennese white wine (Gemischter Satz is a speciality), which meanwhile has an excellent quality.